Give The Child The Education They Deserve RIght From Home, Parent Can Teach Them During Trouble Times”
Show Parents How To Teach A Home Schooled Child All Of The Basics As Well A How To Excel In All Areas Of Learning.
They Will Love You For It!
If you’re reading this letter, I know that you have at least a small interest in helping parents help their children keep up. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Millions of teachers are pitching in and doing it and the numbers grow every day. The world has become a bit of a scary place these days, and not all of us are comfortable with sending our baby out into that world alone.
The recent COVID-19 has everyone bunkered into their homes. So here is where teachers come in and be the hero.
National Studies show that 49 percent of schools report some type of crime involving theft, vandalism or physical threats.
There are 100 times more guns in the hands of American schoolchildren than is reported.
Students age 12 to 18 were victims of 2.7 million total crimes while at school.
Over 3,000 students were expelled from school in the year 2000 for bringing a firearm to school.
All I have to do is mention Columbine, Colorado, and you know what school violence can do. Also the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19
It’s shocking and very, very scary for everyone. What are equally as disturbing are the test scores that our children are getting on standardized tests. No Child Left Behind provided for testing all children to determine their academic performance and insure that all had been given a quality education. But all this can stop today if we help parents become actively involved.
The results have been disappointing. In math, our students are performing at just 3% of the world average for the same age students. In English, that percentage jumps a little, but only to 7%. Children in other countries are getting better educations than our own kids, and that will eventually hurt us globally.
These are just two reasons people cite for choosing to homeschool their children every year. In fact, the top six reasons given, in order are:
God and religion taught along with academics
Avoiding school violence
Providing a better education
Health and welfare of the student
Allowing the child to work at his or her own pace
Family convenience
It’s a trend that’s becoming more and more popular – mainly because it does seem to produce highly educated adults in the long run. But is homeschooling right for everyone? Perhaps it is! Well for the moment it is!
You Want The Best For Your Students – Right?
Who knows them better than you do? Their parents were their first teacher after all. Why shouldn’t they continue to be their teacher? If it’s financially possible for them to stay home and school their children and they want to, there’s no reason they shouldn’t. So where do they start?
Start Here! Right Now!
My book, “Home School Professor” is the answer to every teacher prayers who is considering helping parents homeschooling their children during these hard times. Let’s be honest, no-nonsense, easy-to-read manual with all the information you could want to get started educating the student at home.
This book will guide you toward making the decision to homeschool, what you’ll need to know before you start, and so much more! Look at the following:
De-Schooling your child
Setting up your home for a school area
Choosing a curriculum
Setting a homeschool schedule
And so much more!
A lot of parents would love to homeschool, but they’re afraid they just don’t have the abilities.
That’s Where We Come In!
Even if the parent has no college experience and just a high school diploma, they can still teach their child in the privacy and safety of their own home. Hundreds of people have done it. In fact, most homeschooling parents actually DO NOT have a college degree of any type, – and their children are flourishing.
Help The Parent Teach
The key to a good homeschool experience is to let the child take the reins while parents simply steer instruction and give input. They don’t have to know all there is about the Civil War for their child to learn about the Civil War.
Classroom teachers don’t know everything. What they don’t know, they find out. When parents homeschool, their child finds out with them! They learn so much more than what they could find out in the classroom. Look at the proven facts:
Homeschooled children score higher than their same-age counterparts on college entrance examinations.
Homeschooled children progress to further levels of education than publicly educated children
Homeschooled children have a stronger relationship with their family.
The advantages are amazing, and there are many more than these few we have listed. When they homeschool their child, you can easily tailor curriculum to their needs and learning style. That adds up to an eager student and a successful school experience!
You Can Homeschool Your Child Tomorrow!
But first, you need to know a few items about the whole process before you can fully jump in. When you order “Professor Homeschool”, we’ll give you what parents need to know. Order the book today, read it tonight, and have their child home with them getting the education he or she needs within days!
Believe it or not, there’s a lot that has to be considered before fully starting a home school.
Making a schedule
Keeping records
Reporting to the right agencies, if any
How to provide socialization for your child
Fitting in everyday life with school
Establishing a school identity
For the novice, it can be overwhelming. Don’t give up on the dream, though. You can get all the information parents need and never have to leave their home! When considering homeschooling their child, homeschool themselves with “Home School Professor”!
Don’t fall for those other homeschool guides that promise you the moon and never deliver. I’m giving you everything they need right here.
Best Of All, I Guarantee It!
More on that a little later, but it’s true, I’m guaranteeing that with “Home School Professor”, they’ll be well on their way toward implementing a full school right in their own home!
This Book Is Really All They’ll Need – Parent Will Love You For It!
Making the decision to homeschool is a very personal one. As well it should be! This book is put together in an easy-to-read format that is delivered directly to your inbox when you click the order now button. You could pay hundreds of dollars for a book that doesn’t have nearly what I am offering to you.
Now You Won’t Have To!
“Home School Professor” is available exclusively to you right now for the low price of just $5. When you find an information source that can take you from point A to point B easily and for a mere $5, why would you hesitate? Oh, you’re worried I won’t deliver on what I promise? That’s OK. I understand!
Our Famous, 100%, 90 Day Money-Back Clear As Black-And-White Guarantee!
If After Using What You Learn From My Book, IF You Don’t Learn How To Successfully Homeschool Your Child Like A Professional, I’ll Personally Buy My Book Back From You & You Get A 100%, No-Hassle Refund!
(‘And you can even keep the book for free as a thank you for trying it out!’)
No one else in the business offers that type of guarantee, but I do. That’s how sure I am that “Home School Professor” is the answer to the homeschooling parent’s questions and needs in tough times.
Your kids deserve to have you around giving them the education that they deserve. You really are the best person to offer this benefit to parents And $5 is so little to invest in your child’s education. Even better than that, you don’t have to worry if you’re throwing good money at bad product. Remember that guarantee!

Remember the “Golden Rule” one license per parent.
Get started right now. Press the order button and get “Home School Professor” within minutes. You’ll be helping the parents child within just a few days!
Happy Teaching!
Tom Songer
P.S. Guarantees don’t come along every day. The grocer doesn’t guarantee your tomatoes will be as tasty as you want them to be. The cable company doesn’t guarantee that television program you watch will be a good one. But I can guarantee this book. I’ve told you all about. Take 90 days to put it to use. If it doesn’t help you, let me know, and I’ll give you all your money back.
Home School Professor – For Parents https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Home-School-Professor-For-Parents-5335446
It’s a win-win-win situation – for you, parent, and your child!
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